Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Caltrain Hits, Kills Person On Tracks At Main Street Crossing

The fatal crash occurred at 3:59 p.m. [Wednesday, December 5, 2018] when a person was struck by the train at the busy crossing in Redwood City.

This is at least the 312th, yes 312th, fatality since 1995 when Caltrain and the nascent Sacramento-based California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) publicly agreed to use Caltrain tracks for future, unapproved-until 2008 fraudulent ballot measure for HSR was approved by voters. The 1864 Civil War era Caltrain trackway must be replaced asap by grade-separated BART to reduce killings, save delays, and reduce other street-level accidents. Although BART has its issues--being addressed now by its board, the sooner outdated, street level Caltrain, the Killtrain (wehether by suicide or accident) that flies through the most dense part of the Bay Area at 70 mph, 110 mph for future HSR, the sooner lives will be saved. 

Like the Las Vegas-Victorville (eventually L.A.) privately-funded HSR that will stop near the new Raiders stadium, HSR would be better off going from San Jose to Oakland's planned new stadium rather than up the peninsula. For about the same cost of modifying Caltrain and HSR to get to, and tunnel in SF, to the TBT, (without the additional $Bil's to go under the Bay to Oakland), BART's cost to close the last 30 mile gap from the future Santa CLara station to Millbraie will be far more beneficial to the Bay Area travelers and commuters, about $12 Billions total:grade separeations, electrification, new cars, eminent domain, PTC, (saving current Caltrain Administration $ and odd rail maintenance, etc. 

When Senator Jerry Hill is FINALLY ut of office, the key blocker to BART's loop around the Bay since his days in San Mateo politics, the way should be clear and self-evident to finish the two-way huge capacity of BART Around The Bay. Its a no-brainer...and saves lives, anguish, sadness. Caltrain is a taxpayer-subsidized, government owned and operated suicide-killing machine inappriopriate for the Bay Area, but Democrats have to get past their deadly ends-justify-the means HSR (ends)-Caltrain trackway (means))methodology. And "Undaunted" Congressperson Jackie Speier wants to limit or ban guns, yet her name is emblazoned on a Caltrain killing machine Engine number 925. Seems hypocritidal. 

About half the deaths to date of Democrat-schmoozing Jim Jones' Jonestown deadly cult...but getting there,, about one a month.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Impact of S.F. Bay Area's Regional Measure 3 -Bridge Tolls Increase

The impact of the passage of the Bay Area's MTC-sponsored Regional Measure 3 state bridge tolls in June 2016 is not to increase the Bay's bridges or their capacity.  "RM3"will fund, though not completely, projects for specific transit and highway capital "improvements" sold to voters to supposedly "ease" traffic congestion.

Among the transit items are to further fund the BART tunnel into San Jose's downtown Transit Hub station, then to Santa Clara near the Santa Clara University Caltrain station.

That will leave about 30 miles to finally close the BART Around The Bay loop that will create the 2-direction, doubling of BART capacity and redundant capability for BART users to reach their destination station.

This will only happen if/when the deadly suicide and accident-prone Caltrain trackway is replaced by BART for this final 30 miles.

Caltrain trackway death count has reached about 306 dead (latest Burlingame, Palo Alto-California Avenue, Sunnyvale-Mary Avenue) since the Peninsula and South Bay Democrat political machine decided to reveal in 1995 to reserve the Caltrain trackway only for a future High Speed Rail (as Quentin Kopp, plaintiff, entitles it: "Low Speed Rail" because the HSR will not reach anywhere near high speed from Gilroy to San Francisco). 

Later in 2018 the HSR EIR will be released.  The cunning Democrat machine has ensured that supportive city mayors in most Peninsula cities in the right-of-way were elected in 2016, Mayor Liz Kniss in Palo Alto, Lenny Seigel in Mountain View, Kirsten Keith in Menlo Park, Sam Liccardo in San Jose, etc.

More to come...

Friday, February 9, 2018

My Comment in the ABC News (Fresno, L.A.) reporting (circa Feb. 1, 2018)  of Calif. State Senators' Patterson and Beall's successful request to the legislature to audit (again) the CHSRA boondoggle follows:

Actually, the mentioned $65-$68B cost is only the CHSRA (disinformation amount to confuse drive-by superficial news coverage) number used for HSR from Bakersfield to San Jose. 

As noted, the original 2008 Prop. 1A $40B amount was a complete voter's sucker fraud, as usual for most rail projects.

The previous $98B estimate was to LA (Lancaster) before the exponential cost of going *through* the Tehachapi's, now is up to an unknown huge amount.  The published $68B amount does *not* include SF Bay Area's deadly and capability limited SJ-to-SF Caltrain HSR "upgrade", nor the $2B-3B *estimated* tunneling to SF's new Transbay downtown skyscraper terminal. 
The monies for this horrible fraudulent HSR boondoggle could be better used for Ca's safety net needs for children, seniors, disabled, mentally ill, and education K-12, UC and CSU tuition reduction, etc etc. 

For transportation, finishing electrified, grade separated BART around the SF Bay is better spent, moves more people, with more frequency, safer, quieter, and zero cross-traffic congestion at no more than the $12B current HSR cost.  Future cost diversions to SoCal's Coaster and Metro systems could save lives and speed train and eliminated cross traffic congestion delays and pollution with more separated grade crossings.  

Improving and expanding CA's *real* mass (moves tens of millions daily) road transportation system and safety (where possible) is also a better use of tax/bond dollars than the limited number of HSR construction and operations workers, HSR riders, and very limited HSR destinations. 

Buyout of existing Toll Roads and toll lanes to stop exorbitant per mile fees for SOVs and other users that can exceed by well 20 times the average less-than $.05/mile CA state motor vehicle fees and taxes that the average car, truck motorist pays on non-toll roads is a better use of HSR funds.
Using diverted planned HSR funds to improve commerce, holiday, work/trade vehicles, buses, vans, passenger cars, heavy utility and trade corridors for cargo trucks, emergency vehicles, and all other of millions of unionized and non-union road users of all driving ages that would fund these.
Others suggest that wasting of well over $100B (some estimates of HSR from San Diego to Sacramento would actually exceed $300B) deprives many of vital and urgent "safety net" needy of critical, basic General Fund dollars.  The annual over $700 millions of dollars just for the current $12B in HSR bonds would longer pay only for their interest, not to mention the initial capital cost, operating cost, and 23% expected millions in tax cost from local train station high density TOD project development taxes.

All this waste, just because Jerry Brown says "I like trains" since he rode on one in his youth over 70 years ago and apparently never had enough of his toy train set growing up.  Incredible!

Road references are copied to my California-oriented "Freemotorist" blog.

Subscriber, member of American Highway Users Alliance and National Motorist Association Foundation, Silicon Valley Electric Vehicle Association, The Newspaper, Mass Transit magazines, and board member of the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association, and other groups.