Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December 3, 2019, yet another death by the Caltrain "Killtrain" on its 1864  (5 years before Promontory Point  transcontinental Railroad joined the nation together and the year before the Civil War ended and US President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated) .  The Sunnyvale death may be another suicide.--when the SF Bay Area was sparsely populated with few people and fewer roads.

Yet, Sunnyvale City councilman eagerly proclaimed his support for Caltrain just a month ago or so before the largely  Democrat Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board meeting.. 

Not a Democrat has stated nor gives a damn apparently to replace the deadly masss killing machine, Caltrain, segment from the future planned station in Santa Clara to the current Millbrae BART station, about 30 miles to complete BART around the Bay as it is currently envision.

Why?  The so-called High Speed Rail boondoggle in which its 2008 Proposition 1A vote was based on fraudulent figures for ridership, cbuild osts, partnerships, unlikely "reasonable" low fares, and enormous taxpayer subsidies to build and worse, operate to SF .

Because Democrats are well known to justify their actions by putting their "ends justify the means" mentality before human life and more efficient and effective mass transit system with its higher farebox recovery,i.e., BART.. 

Oddly, not even Democrat fundraisers, humanitarian award winners, nor d high-tech executives who  lost employees on Caltrain's deadly outdated tracks and live in wealthy West of I-280 towns don't speak up to advocate and/or contribute funds to politicians who could support replacing the outdated Caltrain Killtrain with the safer and more effective BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit system).

This latest tragic death is totals to at least the 331 deaths since 1995 when Caltrain announced formally that its standard tracks will be used by a future, yet to be proposed--or voted on  High Speed Rail between San Jose and San Francisco.

Could this situation not be considered a government-sponsored "mass killing"--over time, yet this Democrat politician-dominated region does nothing toto complete grade-separated, non-congesting, non-greenhouse causing electrified, safer BART around the Bay (BAB).

Interestingly, a subtle concern expressed to me about finishing BAB, that is, on the wealthier Peninsula is expressed as the "cultural" differences of BART riders from on the other side of the Bay, especially the communities of generally lower income and more diverse racial minorities (as if they don't already come to Peninsula communities by automobile)..


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